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Bellsprout Bellsprout
Tipo: Grass
Tipo 2: Poison
Nivel De Evolucion: 18
Evoluciones: Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
Ataques: Razor Leaf - m1 - level 3

Vine Whip - m2 - level 7

Acid - m3 - level 3

Slash - m4 - level 10
Puede Aprender: TM45 Attract - level 20 - 40
Fuerte a: Water, Rock, Ground
Debil a: Fire, Flying, Ice, Bug
Inmune a: Nada
Habilidades: Cut, Harvest
Sonidos: Sprout, Bellsprout
Comportamiento: Pasivo
Precio: 3hd
Notas: Its bud looks like a human face. Because of the bud, it is rumored to be a type of legendary mandrake plant.
Loot: Leaves, Seed, Bag of polem