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Treecko Treecko
Tipo: Grass
Nivel De Evolucion: 40
Evoluciones: Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile
Ataques: Quick Attack - m1 - level 10 - 10s

Absorb - m2 - level 10 - 12s

Evolutions: Evolves to Grovyle at Level 40

Moves: Quick Attack - m1 - level 10 - 10s

Absorb - m2 - level 10 - 12s

Razor Leaf - m3 - level 12 - 12s

Headbutt - m4 - level 12 - 10s

Protection - m5 - level 15 - 35s

Bullet Seed - m6 - level 20 - 15s

Growl - m7 - level 25 - 30s
Puede Aprender: TM45 Attract - level 20 - 40s
Fuerte a: Water, Rock, Ground
Devil a: Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison, Fly
Habilidades: Cut
Sonidos: TREECKO
Comportamiento: Desconosido.
Precio: Unknown.
Notas: Treecko has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This Pokemon attacks by slamming foes with its thick tail.
Loot: No tiene